Save money. Do your part. Get a Solar Residential Quote Name* First Last Email* Phone*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Energy Provider*SaskPowerFortisBCBCHydroOtherSpecify Energy Provider*Roof Age in Years*An approximate age is fine, please round to the nearest year.Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Roof Photos*Please include photos of your roof; satellite images are sometimes not sufficient to spot items on your roof that we would need to avoid when planning your installation. Drop files here or Photo of your Electrical Panel*Please include all panels in your house. Please ensure that we can clearly see the main breaker, the specifications for the panel, and if you have any remaining slots in your panel. Drop files here or Electrical Panel Location(s)*Please tell us where your panel(s) are located in your house (for example, the North-East corner of the house on the ground floor).Electrical Bills (last 12 months)Please upload your electrical bills regarding the last 12 months. This will help us to provide you a more accurate quote. Drop files here or House Blueprints/Structural PlansThis will help us understand the structure of your roof to make sure that it can support the weight of solar panels. Drop files here or Additional DetailsPlease provide any other details that you think we should know about that will help us make an accurate quote.Options I want peace of mind. Add extended support and warranty (select it and see more info below) I would like to add energy storage to my house I live in Saskatchewan and qualify for the Metis Nation HEI grant Service & Maintenance Plan Service & Maintenance Plan with Extended Warranty Cost: CAD$250 /year What's Included: System Monitoring: We monitor your system and receive alerts for any error codes or performance issues. Extended Warranty: We cover the cost of an extended 25-year warranty for your inverters, ensuring both your panels and inverters are protected. During the first year, labor is provided as needed. After the first year, this will be limited to 2 hours, with additional hours billed at an hourly rate. These hours cover sending a technician to your location, ordering necessary parts, and performing repairs. The annual cost is based on a single-family residential system under 7 kW. Exclusions: Equipment Replacement Costs: Replacement parts are not covered once the warranty period has ended. System Upgrades: Adding extra panels, upgrading inverters, or other enhancements are not included. External Damage: Repairs caused by external factors such as severe weather, accidents, or misuse are excluded. Roof Upgrades: Labor related to removing or reinstalling your solar system for roof maintenance is not covered by the included 2 hours of labor. Manufacturing warranty only covers parts, not labor. CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact Information #321 2555 Grasswood Road East, Saskatoon, SK S7T 0K1 306-803-5869 Follow Name*Email* Message*CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact Information 321 2555 Grasswood Road East, Saskatoon, SK S7T 0K1 306-803-5869 Name*Email* Message*CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.